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7 Reasons Why Leads Aren’t Responding [Support Guide]

Getting leads to respond can be extremely difficult. It’s assumed they filled out the form, they are qualified leads, and therefore they’re obviously interested… so why aren’t they answering the phone or responding. Now you conclude the leads must be bad because you’re the best auto transport salesman that ever lived right?

This is a common problem for sales in any industry. Here’s a comprehensive list of (7) things you’re doing wrong, and what you can start doing right to drastically improve your sales.

1. You’re not using multiple channels

Nowadays, most people avoid answering the phone at any cost. Some people ignore their e-mail inbox. E-mails go to spam or oblivion. Other people just forget things easily.

By reaching prospects across multiple channels:

You get more than 1 impression.
Repetition builds familiarity and trust with your brand.

Give’s the prospect options.
Customers can choose the channel most convenient for them.

Create reciprocity bias
People feel naturally inclined to reciprocate when they feel someone put in effort to reach out to them

2. You’re not texting leads.

If you’re not texting leads, you’re at a huge disadvantage.

For example:
If you’re doing your outreach while a prospect is at work, they are far more likely to read a text as opposed to answering their phone.

Texting is a good way to establish an initial contact, then schedule a call from there.


  • 80% of people ignore calls from unknown numbers
  • 69% of people prefer an unfamiliar company initially contact them via text instead of a call
  • 90% of texts are read within the first (3) minutes
  • 99% of those texts drive responses
  • 90% of people prefer text conversations

3. You’re Not Starting Outreach With Text

You may be already using text, along with calls and e-mail to reach out to leads. But it’s done manually and/or only done one time. This is a mistake.

Based on statistics, you should text first, and accompany with an e-mail and call. People don’t want to talk on the phone with a stranger right away. You need to warm them up with a text first.

4. You’re Not Reaching Out Fast Enough

From the instant you receive a lead, you have (5) minutes before your chances of converting decrease drastically.

How can you increase speed to contact a lead.
Use a CRM with texting integration, and automate the initial text outreach attempt.

5. You’re Giving Up Too Easily

It takes (8) attempts on average to successfully make contact with a prospect. This doesn’t mean you should blow up their phone (8) times in a row let alone in the same day. best practice is to make contact attempts over the course of several days.


  • Day 1: (1) text, (1) e-mail, and (1) call – leave a voicemail
  • Day 2: (1) text
  • Day 3: (1) text, (1) e-mail
  • Day 4: Let them breathe
  • Day 5: (1) text, (1) call

Using this method you’re effectively being politely persistent instead of incredibly annoying.

6. Your Messages Are Way Too Long

Common mistakes when crafting a message:

  • Longer than (40) words
  • About your company only
  • Missing questions

Don’t send people a bible to read. Be brief and to the point. Don’t make it work for them.

Hi [Name], it’s [Name] with [Company]. I received your order, and wanted to get you scheduled to ship your [Vehicle]. When is a good time for you? Or do you have any questions?

7. Poor Online Reputation

If a Google search of your company returns bad reviews, it could drastically lower your chances of getting responses.

Encourage happy customers to leave positive reviews whenever possible to maintain a healthy online reputation.

Final Word

Here at LeadFi we pay good money to get qualified auto transport leads for our customers. At the end of the day, qualified leads are only as good as the sales associate contacting them.